Irrigation Winterization
Help ensure that your irrigation system is properly winterized so that it is fully operational next spring.
Our Irrigation Winterization Services
Contact All Metro today to set up an appointment to get your irrigation system winterized this year!
Winter can be hard on our yard and landscaping during the cold months but it can be even harder on your lawns irrigation system. An unwinterized lawn irrigation system can cause serious damage if pipes burst and sprinkler heads shatter. Being in the Twin Cities area, the need for winterization every year is crucial to avoid these problems.

Draining the water isn’t enough when it comes to irrigation winterization. Typically, some water will still remain in your pipes which can cause them to expand and crack when the water starts to freeze in them.
Although some pipes are made for colder temperatures and expending water, this doesn’t mean you are safe from your pipes cracking. If freezing water gets into the backflow pipes and valves, it can rupture its brass body causing an expensive repair in the spring.
What Is Irrigation Winterization?
Our main goal when our crews come out in the fall is to get all the water out of your irrigation system and ensure that any moving parts are protected. To begin, we will shut off the water supply to your irrigation system for the winter. Then, we use special equipment used specifically to regulate the right amount of air to “blow out” your irrigation system. This will leave your pipes and valves water free, greatly reducing the chances of damage in the winter. Our trained technicians will work through each sprinkler zone to ensure that each area has been properly blown out. At this time we will turn off any timers and any other electrical sources that are unnecessary for the winter months.
Having a professional crew come to your home or business in the fall is a guaranteed way to save yourself a headache in the spring. Our highly trained crews have the knowledge and expertise to keep your system running great all year long.
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